Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Take a gander @ our yard on Memorial Day weekend.

From the patio. A bit washed out --
Don't shoot into the sun! Don't shoot into the sun!
Notice the new rocks under Lindy's window? BTW, why is it still "Lindy's window?" The rocks help to balance out the front. The workers managed to cut off a live sprinkler (I told them it was dead - silly me), bury it under that BIG rock,  and when I turned on the water, a veritable river emerged. Had to have 'em out again to fix it.
A far cry from the next shot taken after our remodel.
See! October/November '06. Chris and his buddy, Mike Peterson, helped move the 4 yds of dirt and soil conditioner from the driveway to the garden. Big job, too.
Back to '13. The NE corner. Lots of new plants and color.
Melissa's "hill." Best it's ever looked and the peonies (center) aren't even out yet.
Nice, eh? About 9 AM.
We put in 6 new trees for privacy after our neighbor took out the evergreens which were all along the back fence. I've been "holding back" the evergreens off the fence with chains and cables for years with help from Logan, Chris (both) and Duncan. Nice to get our own trees in. However, they make the Skyrocket Junipers that MK put in over 20 yrs ago look anemic. Guess what's next?
Another shot of the front - this at about 12 noon. Lots of sun, as you can see.
After all, it's Memorial Day. Trivia question: When did Memorial Day, or its precursors, start?
Are we happy with our yard? Absolutely!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

My March Swing Around Texas

As always, time permitting, I have a local EEHS person (Dallas area, in this case) get EEHS folks together for lunch. The person taking the picture is an outcast: My cousin, Andy Moore, from Weslaco. But, we try not to hold that against him. Yeah, right!
Two new cats live at 510 Colgate Allen.  Hats is Olivia's. Little tuxedo cat - beautiful markings.
Bella is Jordan's. Great personality, just like her owner. These two run and tumble all over the house. And that's Olivia and Jordan -- you oughta' see the cats!
The girls were out of school the day I was there and it was Holly's day off, too. So, we took advantage of that and all (including Narith) went to the new Perot Museum in downtown Dallas. Absolutely fantastic learning experience. All set up for kids to learn about just about everything.
I brought a new coffee cake recipe with me and we got busy making it. Actually, it was two different recipes and this was my (our) 1st try. Jordan, in her exuberance to help, dumped the unmeasured sugar into the wrong bowl. No harm, no foul, just scraped it out, guessed at a cup, and went on.
That's me trying to figure out the next step, while girls mixed stuff.
Ah, the final product. Turned out perfect - great layered look. My only regret was that I didn't stay long enough to have a few more pieces! Next time you're @ Starbucks, check it out. The basic recipe is from there, with a few "twists" by me.
We (Kevin and I)had some time in the Austin area and ran up to see Lindy and family. Connor is just the cutest little (?) boy there is. A block, but wil certainly "string out" like his Dad.
RC and Christmas trike. She's always a bit bashful at the start but warms up quickly (even to gruff ol' me).
Actually, I should have caught her singing, which she does a lot and does very well. Anyone wanna' guess where she gets her verbosity and flair??
Still in Austin area, but now in Bastrop with Jan. Here are three (of four) of Eric's and Danille's boys. Interestingly, Jan's and Jack's garage was converted into living quarters for the family when Eric and family had to evacuate during last year's fire. It is truly amazing that the fire didn't burn 'em out completely. Got their out buildings and a few trees. Main house and two rentals somehow left standing. Must have been Kevin's "divine intervention."
Kevin needed to leave early Sunday so Eric volunteered to come over @ 6:00 and fix all of us breakfast. Huge breakfast tacos -- what a guy!!

Kevin getting ready to get back home and to church (this was Sunday morn). And, yes, I did have clothes on, in addition to that silly smile.

The "sculpture" on the wall is actually Eric's melted aluminum ladder which was leaning against his house when they vacated before the fire. The painting is Jan's watercolor rendition of said melted ladder. Nice, eh? You see who got all the talent in our family, don't you? All her walls have very uniques pieces, most cost her less than a buck from estate and garage sales from all around Texas and Utah. Some wall hangings she made and a couple of paintings came from Robert's talented hand.
Jack and fire orphaned kitty. Named Kitty, too. Jan may be able to design stuff, but not very creative on naming animals (except for Molly, of course).
Now we're in Spring with K, K and kids. Guess what day it is? They have a wonderful tradition of celebrating every possible holiday at breakfast before the kids get off to school (What do you do for Groundhog Day, Kevin?). I've been lucky enough to be there for a couple of the little celebrations, including V Day this year. I got a V card and candy, too, which I brought home for MK and me to split. Thanks, Kayla and Luke - twas very good!
EEK! I wonder what's in here, say Kayla.
Aren't they the cutest? No, not the one standing on the right. How'd he muscle into the pic, anyway?

Spring already in Spring. Lovely home and I'm so glad you were able to stay.
Kayla's gym above. Below, hard to see, but that's Kayla on the dreaded balance beam (left of the pole). Given that this gym places girls in universities everywhere, we may be seeing the next top "beam worker," as they say in the gymnastics world.
I kept the kids while K & K went for a Valentine's night out. We went to what Luke and Kayla call a "chopumupplace!" The little grl in the middle is a neighbor, adopted from China. Smartest little thing I've ever seen.
Sorry about jumping around. J's and O's cats again, this time on my bed.
Holly and Narith added an upstairs and caused a few changes downstairs to accomodate the stairs. Reconfigured the fireplace and the corner cabinet.
Clever the way they fit the stairs in - looks like they were there from the start. Good job in the design, Narith (?).

One of two big windows upstairs. Huge room, with a bath. Great for the kids and their friends.
In addition to the family stuff, I met some of my SWT basketball buddies in San Marcos. (Packed a lot in that week. Thanks for driving, Kevin, but I wish you'd get SOMETHING with better MPG!) We had lunch and went to a Texas State game. Always good to see these friends - never know at our age when I won't see one or more of 'em. No pics tho, I managed to leave my camera in Bastrop. Silly me.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

My Texas Trip

This trip is going backwards - I started in San Marcos with my 1960  basketball  team (plus a few other guys and wives), then to Round Rock to see Lindy et al, off to Allen (Dallas) for Holly's family, then down to Spring (Houston) for Kevin and family. In between all that, I was able to see Janis (San Marcos), Gene Steel (Celanese connection), as well as Dale and Tommie Merriman (Hou), before coming home.   

We met the kids for lunch at the cafeteria. It was the last day before spring break and  it was wild in there. Western Day, as you can tell.

Kevin and the birthday girl - Kayla turned 10 on Friday and I was fortunate to be there for her birthday. What a pretty girl and the guy ain't bad looking either!

Birthday tradition at the Woodlands Henson household is a pre-school breakfast. Chocolate chip pancake and bacon made a terrific early morning celebration for Kayla. Notice the candles on the pancakes. Kerry is so creative!!

The birthday girl with loving little bro. Looked like Christmas to me.

We did a crock pot BBQ for the Thursday night celebration dinner. Is that a great looking family, or what?

Kayla is into horses (English style) and we went to this Tomball saddlery to pick up a few birthday odds and ends. Must have been 100 saddles in there, both Western and English.

A pear tart recipe Holly gave me. Just gotta' have desserts. Did this one for Holly's family, too.

I wanted Melissa to see the girls' hair length. Jordan's is very long and fits her perfectly.

Olivia's is getting long. A new look for her. I still prefer the short look, but it's not my hair, is it Liv? Cute as ever, doncha' know?

As I did in Spring, the Allen cafeteria beckoned. I went to lunch with all my girls and got to see their school and a book fair, too.

Ah, Jordan's birthday dinner (10 also). Olivia is asleep to my right. Too much fun, I guess. The servers brought a cupcake with candle and sang. I think Jordan was blushing, weren't you J?

J with shadow and new clothes I helped buy. The shawl (?) was a hit and she look maaaavelous in it and the long dress. What I'm not showing are the bite marks Shadow put on my hands and wrist. Still have 'em 2 weeks later.

Like I said, going backwards. After the Texas State game, I spent Saturday night and Sunday morn with the Kincaids in Round Rock. Sunday morning we went to a wonderful new park just a few blocks from their home. Huge park with all kinds of kiddie things to do. Riley is busy motoring on down the road a piece, as they say in Texas.

You think this cute liitle addition to the family doesn't get lots of attention?

Chris and Connor with the little city in the background. There are about 12 different "stores," each outfitted to look like the real thing. Connor's too young to enjoy this now, but he'll be a terror on the equipment in a couple of years.

More stuff for Riley to crawl through and over. I even went through and down some of it. Still sore --

Back home with the two of them. Melissa (Mimi) was jealous that I was able to see Connor before she was able to make it down. Hurry up May, end of term!!

Now, isn't this how a 2 yr old's play room should look? Lots of stuff and Riley knows every one by name. Granted, some of the names are wierd, but after all, she's only two (and she's Lindy's daughter!).