Kayla was here for a week (see MK's blog for a complete accounting of our week). We walked Chris' dog, Waylon, three times. Kayle LOVES animals and it was a good time-filler in between the many activities we did. Plus, Waylon loved it, too. I enjoyed all but the poop detail. Chris, you think you could train that dog to have more solid BMs? The reason for the VW is that Kayla and Luke play the "slug bug" game when one sees a VW bug.
Oops, we're now doing the trip backwards - our last stop was Dallas with Holly, Narith, Jordan, and Olivia. Jordan is writing in her new book. The only quiet moment I can remember. Those girls have lots of energy, to say the least.
Ain't she cute? Olivia just got back from a birthday party.
Melissa and the girls made sugar cookies. Messy as the dickens but Boy, were they good! I certainly ate my share, plus a couple.
More cute cookie making girls.
Jordan did a week long horse riding camp in Wylie. Reminded me of my hill country camp when I was 8. She rides real well for just doing it a week. Impressive!!
Olivia's camp was a dance camp. She did hip hop, Jazz, and tap. O is the one on the left back with arm up.
Now, we're in Round Rock at Lindy's. MK swinging Riley on the deck. 'Bout the only cool place in Central Texas, I think. R loves her "Mimi" and her swing.
Aha, caught Chris in front of the fan enjoying himself. Riley's playing with that designer Starbucks bracelet we got for her.
Melissa and Riley scoping out the extensive toy collection @ 609 Southcreek Dr. MK has the patience of Job with her 1st grandchild.
Off to Bastrop to visit older sister and Jack. New fountain area on the right is quite cool (especially with the mister). Jack did all the work and, as usual, Jan's good artsy eye picked it out and did the design.
Kevin's Woodsedge Community Church sanctuary. Sorry about the quality of the pic. Doesn't look much like the churches we grew up in, does it? Rock/country music, video, and other accoutements not seen in Baptist, LDS,
and Church of Christ churches.
As it turned out, Luke was baptised when we were there. Kevin did the honors with Lukey as well as about 7 others. Handled it with his usual grace. Fun for me to see him in his element.
Kevin's and Kerry's home in Spring (on the Spring-Woodlands border). Glad they didn't have to sell. Keep those referrals coming, Kerry!
Two little cuties. We loved having Kayla in SLC and look forward to Jordan next year, then either O or Luke the next two years. Jordan requested that ALL FOUR come to SLC after they all do it individually. Great idea in concept, but we'll have to ponder that one a bit. 
It was a fine, but wearing, trip (We probably wore on those we visited, too). Averaged about 100 degrees with humidity close to that. Don't see how I made it in South Texas, Bay City, Stephenville, and San Marcos all those years. MK and I will stay here in low humidity Utah, thank you.